Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Some stuff

I sort a quit my blog. Might get back into posting but not now. All pages wont be updated so sorry to affend anyone.
Laast Wolfy out.

Friday, 22 March 2013

For Sakkura

IGNORE THIS IF YOU WANT! Here are the raccoons ^^
In select screen thing

Wearing various things
If you want to see more tell me, Sakurra!

Friday, 1 February 2013

Pet tigers are here!

Yep! This is what the letter looks like:
Now the different items to dress them up in!
Thats all for now! Catch ya later! Wolfy out!!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Tigers, raccoons and more!

Update today! Here is the Jamaa Journal.
Pet tigers are coming! Unfortunately a member gift.
Sky high arcade is for non members! YAY! And a way to earn a cool plaque!
New animal!
And the answer is...

Awesome sauce! But wait! theres  more pages!
The Friendship Festival! Other wise known as Valentine's day!
I will post new items later. But for now... WOLFY OUT! QUIZ ANSWERS ARE ON HELPFUL THINGS PAGE!

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Rare Monday

Todays rare (for rare Monday) Is the slightly ugly rare cowboy hat!
Its some ugly colours to me. Thats all! Wolfy out!


I am so so so sorry for not posting lately! I'm going to (try) go back to daily going ons in Jamaa. I might be a bit late posting through because I'm starting my school tomorrow.
Wolfy out!

Saturday, 19 January 2013


Two new items today. The raccoon hat in epic wonders:
Bit sad about this one. I drew a raccoon hat for Cosmo's contest... Now they bring em out... Heres my pic.
In canyons pathways hat shop we have the rare knitted hat:
Bit of a recent Monday rare hey? Thats all for now. Wolfy out!

Friday, 18 January 2013

Dog sled

Today's item has nothing to do with hats but eh. It's the dog sled returning from last year
You could make your pets pull it :) Peace jammers!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Todays the update! Here is the new Jamaa Jornal!
Strange event but ok...
More hat stuff.
Liza's contest and owl pets.
Cool! Birthstone stuff!
Cosmo's turn for a contest!
Mt Shvieer
Now the different hat shops scatterd around Jamaa!
Sariepa Forest
Canyons Pathway
But wait? Is that a top hat!? HHBJHJ OMG it is! Awesome! Make sure to get ALL these items before this hat stuff is over! Bye jammers! Excited Wolfy out!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Brown Tile

Haven't posted much o3o. Anyway new item! The brown tile!
Image from snowyclaw!
 Anyway I was with my friend and she noticed something... If you type "cu" in the chat thing it comes up with:
Funny, huh? Anyway seeya later jammers! Wolfy out!!

Friday, 11 January 2013

New Items

Sorry for not posting yesterday (like people read this... :T) Anyway the new items are the snow cannon from yesterday and the sled.

Some posts on AJ's blog. My fave! Awesome Jammer Art! My fave one is this one buy Flora Braveclaws!
That all for now... Bye!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Frozen Bush

Buy me at Jam Mart Furniture!
Today's daily item is the Frozen Bush! Its returning from last year.
And now the different varieties you can get!
Well thats all for now! Wolfy out!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Todays daily item, phantom in ice! Sold in the den shop. Nothing really else to say... Well its returning from last year! Wolfy out!

Hat And Curly Hair

Todays new item is the hat and curly wig sold in the New Years Party!
Here are all the different colours (but green)!
Sorry that it looks dodgy! Anyway some blogs to look at! My sisters (bunnyrockerzrock) and This one!
Jam on Jammers!

Monday, 7 January 2013

Rare Monday 7/1/13

Todays Monday so that means its Monday Rare day! Here is the item today, Rare Knitted Hat:

Its in the Shiveer Shoppe. Make sure to buy one today! Wolfy out!


Hi there! Welcome to Animal Jam Fun! My name is wolfypoof or you can just call me Wolfy. I will post whats new in Jamaa and stuff. Have fun in Jamaa!